December 27, 2020

Tree Trimming Service: A Guide To The Most Common Trees In Texas | Dallas Fort Worth Area

Photo By tzahiV at istock

If you’re a homeowner living in Texas, more specifically the Dallas Fort Worth Area, you may be wondering what type of tree will grow well in your garden. Trees can help to create shade and protect land and property against storm damage and erosion. They also look great as part of a landscaped garden.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas is located in Hardiness Zones six to nine. This means that the state experiences various growing climates annually. Gardeners and homeowners need to choose the correct trees for the environment they live in. Trees will thrive in the right climate, but planting a tree in the wrong place will stunt its growth and cause other problems.

This article will look at the trees that are more likely to thrive in Texas gardens. If you’re looking for advice about what type of trees to plant or require a tree trimming service, don’t hesitate to contact S&P Tree Service. The company can provide a professional tree removal, stump removal, and tree trimming service.

Pecan Tree

The pecan tree is a large hickory that is very common throughout Texas. It is part of the Juglandaceae family and naturally grows along the banks of streams. Pecan trees are relatively slow-growing and can get very high. A mature tree is likely to reach a height of between 70 and 100 feet.

Pecan trees have attractive gray bark and deciduous leaves. They flower throughout the spring months, between March and May, and have yellow flowers. In the summer, these blossoms will give way to edible nuts, which are sweet and can be used in many sweet and savory recipes.

Pecan trees are also very popular as they have lovely wood that can be used to make furniture and flooring. Pecan trees can suffer from a few health problems, such as pecan scab, and are susceptible to tent caterpillars. The trees grow best in well-drained, rich soils and should be planted in a sunny position. If you have pecan trees in your garden, a tree trimming service can help you correctly look after your trees.


Hackberry trees are prevalent throughout the state. They are also known as Texas sugarberries and belong to the elm family. Hackberry is a perennial tree that can grow to a height of 60 and 80 feet in height. They provide a nice spread of leaves and have a bark that’s light in color. Their leaves have tapered leaves, and the tree produces a green blossom between February and April.

Hackberry trees produce red fruits in the spring, which are quickly devoured by birds. Mistletoe is often found growing on hackberry trees. This popular tree is found growing along the sides of rivers and streams in Texas. These trees like to be planted in a partially shady position, and many gardeners plant Hackberry trees along roads. The wood is often used to make plywood and is commonly used in furniture manufacture.

Texas Ash

Texas ash is very common in areas in which the soil is rocky, and limestone is present. They like to grow in shady areas. Texas ash is suitable for the state’s climate as they are tolerant of drought. They are a member of the olive family and are a medium-sized tree that will grow between 30 and 45 feet in height.

The Texas Ash will produce a beautiful green and purple flower from April to June. They then produce small fruits that birds like to eat. Texas ash is often planted in landscaped gardens as it’s an ornamental tree. If you have Texas ash on your property, you may like to contact S&P Tree Service. The company can provide a professional trimming service and offer advice about caring for your trees.

Texas Mulberry

The Texas mulberry is a popular tree that is sometimes known as the mountain mulberry. It is part of the Moraceae plant family and is an attractive tree with pale bark and small, green leaves. In the spring, the tree produces clusters of red and green flowers, which turn into black fruits in May.

Texas mulberry trees are a nice, small tree that will reach 12 to 36 feet when mature. They are a perennial that can tolerate different types of soil. The tree thrives in dryer locations and likes to live in partial shade. These trees are native to the Texas hillsides. A tree trimming service can help you to look after any mulberry trees on your land correctly.

American Sycamore

American sycamores are also sometimes known as buttonwood trees. They are a fast-growing tree that is very tall when fully matured. This species of tree can grow as tall as 75 to 100 feet in height.

The American sycamore is a perennial that has a dark bark, which looks almost black in color. The bark will often peel off to reveal a lighter inner bark. During the spring months, the tree has blossoms that are red, green, or yellow. The American Sycamore will then produce orange or brown fruits, which will ripen in December.

The American Sycamore prefers to be planted in soil that’s moist and clay-like or in loamy soils. They thrive in various lighting conditions and can live in the shade, full sunlight, or partial shade. This tree produces an attractive wood that is often used as flooring. Gardeners across American often plant this tree to help create shaded areas on their land.

S&P Tree Service, Tree Trimming Service, Dallas Fort Worth Area

If you’re looking for advice about what type of trees to plant or require a tree trimming service, don’t hesitate to contact S&P Tree Service. The company can provide a professional tree removal, stump removal, and tree trimming service.

S&P Tree Service is family owned and operated. They employ a highly skilled workforce that offers home, and business owners tree removal, tree pruning, and tree trimming services. The company can also provide landscaping and tree installation and help you decide which species of trees are right for your land.

If you live in Dallas, TX or the surrounding area and are searching for a tree trimming service, don’t hesitate to contact S&P Tree Service today on 469-789-6775.