Need A Tree Removal Service? 4 Diseases That May End Up Killing Your Trees | Fort Worth, TX
Photo By ArtCookStudio at istock
Trees are like people. Although you might not realize it, they’re susceptible to diseases and can die if they’re not treated properly. You should definitely keep an eye out on the health of your trees regularly. If you notice that there’s something wrong, you should talk to an arborist as soon as possible. If you allow the disease to spread, you might have to call a tree removal service in Fort Worth, TX to solve the problem.
A tree removal service should be your last resort. Before you call a tree removal service you should see whether you can prevent the disease from spreading. Depending on how serious the disease is, this might be an easy thing to do. However, if you’ve been negligent for too long, a tree service will be able to prevent the disease from spreading to other trees in the area.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the diseases that can end up killing your trees, causing you to have to call a tree removal service.
#1. Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines
The Dothistroma needle blight is a fungal disease that affects more than 35 pine species and hybrids throughout North America. It’s one of the most common diseases that affect pine trees, and they predominantly affect premature defoliation in mature trees. This disease couldn’t severely stand the growth of young trees. In worst-case situations, it will even kill them, causing you to have to call a tree removal service.
The most obvious symptom of this disease is yellow or tan bands on the needles. You can usually detect this disease most easily in the fall. If you notice that some of the needles have a yellow or tan band on them, You’ll need to call an arborist and begin application of a protective fungicide. Your goal is to not only save the pine tree in question, but to also prevent an active outbreak. In general, fungicide with copper hydroxide and mancozeb in them are the most effective at managing and treating this disease. If you act quickly, you can avoid having to call a tree removal service entirely.
#2. Anthracnose
Another common type of fungi that is seen in North America is anthracnose. This type of fungi will attack leaves, flowers, fruits and twigs of a wide range of trees and shrubs. And severe attacks, this fungi can cause defoliation, branch dieback and even tree death. In the worst-case scenario, the only solution is to call a tree removal service to remove the diseased tree.
In order to manage the outbreak, you’ll need to apply some type of fungicide two weeks before the bud breaks. Depending on the severity of the infection, some arborists will even inject a systemic fungicide into the trunk. The active ingredient that you want to look for is thiabendazole. This is the most effective fungicide against this type of disease. However, if you’re dealing with dogwood anthracnose, you’ll want to look for a fungicide with propiconazole.
#3. Thousand Canker Disease
A very scary disease that can affect walnut trees in western United States is the thousand canker disease. The symptoms of this disease are small cankers around the galleries. Although these small tankers may not look like a huge problem in the beginning, they will begin to coalesce to girdle branches and stems.
The problem with this disease is that the trees can be infected for years before they even begin to show any symptoms at all. However, when symptoms start to emerge, the tree will usually die within several years. Unfortunately, there is no way to manage this disease or to save the tree. Due to this reason, it might be best to call a tree removal service in Fort Worth, TX as soon as possible. You definitely want to prevent the disease from spreading to another tree.
#4. Oak Wilt
A fungal disease that is specific to oak trees is oak wilt. This disease is more fatal to red oak trees than they are to ones that are in the white oak family. When an oak tree becomes infected with this disease, the leaves will start to rapidly wilt and turn brown. The symptoms usually start to appear at the top of the tree, and will slowly spread downward.
This type of disease is mainly passed from tree to tree through the roots. Due to this reason, if you noticed that one of your oak trees have oak wilt, you’ll want to remove it as soon as possible. You definitely do not want to wait because once it spreads, there isn’t really anything that you can do. Another way that it can spread is by sap-sucking beetles that are attracted to freshly cut wood, so if an arborist notices that one of your oak trees suffer from this disease, they might want to look for ways to prevent the beetles from visiting your property again.
S&P Tree Service Can Help You Care for Your Trees
If you don’t have a green thumb or if you’re not familiar with the different diseases that can break the trees on your property, you should really consider hiring an arborist for tree care. With proper care and love, all trees can flourish. These plants can provide you with some shade, and they can even improve the market value of your home.
S&P Tree Service is a family-owned business and a member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Our specialists are able to provide a wide range of tree services. We will try to identify the disease that affects your tree and will also try to save it. If the disease has spread beyond control, we even provide a tree removal service to prevent the disease from spreading to other trees and plants nearby.
It’s important to call us immediately once you notice that there’s something wrong. To discuss your concerns with us at S&P Tree Service, call 469-789-6775.