May 22, 2017

The Short Guide To The Types of Trees You’ll See In Texas | Tree Service in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX

Texas is pretty dry and hot and we could all do with the shade. The eastern side where we are is humid and forest fires something we have to deal with. The natural, God given, source of shade and shelter is the wonderful blessing that is the tree. We all know that is not an exaggeration and what we get from trees is good after good after good. We like trees and can provide you tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX.

Trees are particularly beneficial in reducing soil erosion, they hold the soil together and that is particularly needed in steep areas. Another important attribute is the role they play in moderating the climate, trees breath in carbon dioxide and this helps in removing it from the atmosphere. This blog will serve as an educational experience regarding tree species for tree service in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX, inquire with us.

They are a welcome sight wherever you see them and are source of life and energy from everything for animals, insects, and Mankind. With this post we’ll take you along for a look at the sort of trees you find in Texas, we’ll give provide some information on them and you never know you might see these trees in your neighborhood. You are welcome to look up these trees and do inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX in how to manage them.

The Firewise organization

An organization that helps maintain communities safe from forest fires is Firewise. Forest fires are a high risk in Texas due to dryness, making trees susceptible to friction, which then cause fires.  We’ll mention trees have the Firewise mark, to inquire more about this visit

White Ash

One beautiful tree you will see is the White Ash, its scientific name Fraxinus americana. The tree is large and tall, growing up to 100 feet (30.5 meters), it has a tall trunk and a short oval (oblong) crown. You can find them abundantly in east Texas. The tree requires well-drained soil with moisture to grow best and is found on slopes next to river bottoms. The tree is native to Texas and has the Firewise mark. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth.

American Hornbeam

A tree native to Texas and has the Firewise mark is the slow growing American Hornbeam, scientific name Carpinus caroliniana. The tree is also found in the East of Texas, is medium sized, growing up to 30 feet (9 meters).  You will find them along streams under the shade of other trees. The tree is Firewise. The leaves of the tree are two and three inches long, are dark blue-green above and turn reddish in Autumn. The leaves are Deciduous.

Box elder

Another tree we see in the eastern side of Texas is the Box elder, scientific name Acer negundo. The tree is native to Texas and is Firewise. The tree is quite tall growing in the range of 50 to 75 feet (15.25m to 22.9m). The tree is found naturally near swamps and riverflat forests. It is the only maple that has compound leaves, the tree is does not enjoy a long life and even its branches are brittle, breaking easily. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth.


The Blackgum is an impressive forest tree in the east of Texas. It is large and tall, reaching more than a 100 feet (30.5m).  Its scientific name is Nyssa sylvatica. The tree has a long and straight trunk, with many branches on the sides. They bare blue drupes as fruit, their bark will be smooth when the tree is young and as the tree grows, it develops furrows and ridges that show age. The tree is Firewise.

Flowering Dogwood,

The Flowering Dogwood, scientific name Cornus Florida, is a small to medium sized tree. The tree is planted as a landscape tree widely, and it blooms beautifully in the Sun.  The tree is found in East Texas woodlands and forests. Its flowers are white petaled with a greenish yellow head. It blooms on most years around Easter time.  It bears fruits as well that animals enjoy when they ripe. The tree is Firewise. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX.

Rusty Blackhaw

The Rusty Blackhaw, a small tree also described as an understory shrub, its scientific name is Viburnum rufidulum. The tree stands only 20 feet tall (6.1m).  They are native to Texas and are Firewise. They bloom beautifully with a dense cluster of bright white flowers. If you cut them their wood gives off an unpleasant odor, probably developed as a self defense mechanism from animals. The trees are available for landscaping. The leaf type is deciduous. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX.

Lilac Chastetree

The Lilac Chastetree (Vitex agnus-castus). It is a small tree or large shrub, they are multi-trunked and twist to a big crown. The trees are not native to the Americas, and are found instead in Europe and Asia but are firewise. The trees are pretty, so are imported for their landscaping value. They are heat tolerant and perform poorly on wet locations. They flower beautifully with Lavender pink spikes. They bloom late spring and early summer. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX.

Rocky Mountain Juniper

A tree that forms in a conical crown, the Rocky Mountain Juniper (scientific name: Juniperus scopulorum) is a unique looking tree that is found naturally in West Texas only. The tree is not firewise so those looking for these and similar trees should understand their danger in causing fires. The tree is medium sized, growing to 50 feet (15.25m) tall. The tree’s wood is in common use for wood working projects. Little conlets appear in spring that marks the tree’s flowering.

Red buckeye

The Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia var. pavia) is found naturally in both east and central Texas. The tree grows to 20 feet (6.1m) tall and is considered a woodland shrub and small tree. The tree flowers in April and May, to wonderful red tubular clusters. The tree is firewise and is multi trunked. Its similar species, the Ohio Buckeye, and is found nearer to home in North Eastern Texas. Inquire about tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth

S&P Tree Service Corp.

We provide tree services in Dallas and Fort Worth area. We’ll do the job for you when it comes to taking care of trees, see the link for a detailed description. We also provide Emergency Tree services, Tree Removal service and Stump grinding tree service.